
6年前 386次浏览 澳洲教育学论文代写:家庭教育监管已关闭评论



Home schooling also caters to the parents’ wish to be able to supervise the child’s learning process more closely, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the child, and develop the child in their own specific way. Home schooling retains the natural curiosity of the child to the process of learning and gets rid of the compulsions laid down by schools.The child has freedom to choose what he likes and thus home schooling keeps the kids engaged. The control over the child’s schedule also allows the family to take travel trips together at most times of the year to complement the child’s learning about separate cultures and thus raises more tolerant and well-informed individuals. The main benefit about home schooling is the the one to one student teacher ratio ensures that the child has attention trained towards him all the time. This situation is not possible in public schools and the needs of the child often go ignored.Home schooling also protects the children from bullies, teenage peer pressure, unhealthy competition. It is also beneficial in the case of teenage girls who are prone to worry about fitting in with the rest of the people and following trends and fashion. This takes away their attention from the main element of learning. Home schooling also benefits the families which have to keep relocating very often due to work or otherwise. The kids may face problems with moving around very often and home schooling gives them a buffer against this. This brings in more stability to the learning process of the children.

