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The A levels I completed in my education in India consisted of subjects in the Science field and some related to it. Hence, not having a background in studying business and economics on a certain level like my fellow students was a considerable disadvantage, just like my lack of knowledge in the referencing ethics. Since I did not possess the basic knowledge of business, I was considered to be a slow learner compare to other students in my modules. Understanding economics was one of the biggest struggles I experienced and till date still find it difficult to comprehend, which I admit is highly discouraging. The regular economic quizzes provided on the blackboard helped me improve exponentially, however that does not mean I still do not feel like a fish out of water in this field. Finance however is a subject I enjoyed greatly, compared to how economics made me feel, and received valuable feedback on which allowed me to improve and gain better results. It was the subject I enjoyed studying the most and even considered majoring in it.
