
5年前 280次浏览 澳洲金融作业代写:英国脱欧公投已关闭评论

2016年6月23日,英国举行脱欧公投。大多数英国人事先认为英国不会离开欧盟。令人惊讶的是,52%的选民决定离开欧盟(CFA INSTITUTE, 2017)。结果,时任英国首相的戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)不得不辞职。随后,特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)接替了这一职位。随后,英国政府于2017年3月29日正式宣布援引《里斯本条约》第50条,这是英国正式退出欧盟的第一步。因此,Brexit一词由Britain和Exit演变而来。这一进程必须在两年内完成。这意味着,谈判必须在2019年3月完成。然而,从最近《卫报》的一篇文章中,这一过程可能会被推迟,因为有新的需要实现各种规定和许多机构,要求新员工操作看来极有可能,一旦Brexit发生,英国将失去权利免关税进入欧盟市场。换句话说,总部位于英国的公司,尤其是那些金融业的公司,可能无法在整个欧盟开展业务。因此,总部位于英国的海外金融机构必须重新考虑是否继续在英国经营管理业务。这可能给英国经济带来长期的负面影响。因此,本文将讨论英国脱欧对金融服务,尤其是资产管理和银行业的影响,进而评估这些影响对英国脱欧后的未来。


On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom held a referendum whether to leave the European Union (EU) or not. Most Britons believed beforehand that the UK would not leave the EU. Surprisingly, the result was 52% of the voters decided to leave the EU (CFA INSTITUTE, 2017). As a result, David Cameron who, at that time, was the prime minister of the UK had to resign. Subsequently, the position in charge was taken by Theresa May. Following this step, on 29 March 2017, the UK government has formally announced its invoking of Article 50 which is the initial step to formally exit from the EU. Thus, the word “Brexit” evolves from Britain and Exit. The process must be finalized within two years. This means, in March 2019, the negotiation has to be done. However, from a very recent Guardian article, this process could be postponed because there are new variety of regulations which need to be implemented and many institutions that require new staffs to operate It appears highly likely that once Brexit occurs, Britain will lose its right to tariff-free access to the EU market. In other words, UK-based firms, especially those in the financial sector, may be unable to conduct their operations throughout the EU. As a result, overseas financial institutions whose European headquarters are located in the UK must reconsider their decision on whether to continue operating their management from the UK or not. This could cause long-term negative consequences to the UK economy. Therefore, this essay will discuss the impacts of Brexit on financial services, particularly asset management and the banking, moving on this essay will also evaluate these impacts on Britain’s post-Brexit future.

