
5年前 454次浏览 澳洲经济学论文代写:大学工资溢价已关闭评论



examine how the college wage premium differs within race, we obtain data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). Briefly, there are nine different censuses and surveys under IPUMS. Among these projects, we obtain data from the U.S Census and American Community Survey. Data from IPUMS-USA consist of census organized every ten years from 1790 to 2010 and the American Community Survey which began in 2010. Unlike the National Longitudinal Survey (NLS) which has a lot of missing observations, this problem is less pronounced in the IPUMS-USA data. Again, our primary source of data has over a million observations, hence considering high school and college graduates will not affect the sample size. Since we are interested in analyzing how the college wage premium has been changing over time, we employ data from 1980 and 2014. For each year, only males are included in the sample. We argue that most of the time women quit their education and cater for their children upon giving birth. As a result, one cannot truly measure the potential experience of such individuals. The data available does not provide any information on the time females reentered into education after nursing their children. Therefore, to overcome the problem in computing the potential experience for individuals, we eliminate all females from the sample. There are 207650 observations in the 1980 data whereas the 2014 data includes 593774 observations.

