澳洲经济学论文代写 土著和非土著

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首先,下表显示了土著和非土著的区别。根据这些数据,我们可以看到,在五个主要地区,土著人仍然缺乏来自政府的支持,而与非土著人相比,他们支持自己,不只是等待政府。但是这两个区域我们将专注于教育和商业创业。(教育),你可以看到数据显示每年12达到大约47.4%年龄(20 - 24)年轻原住民将成功完成教育,而83.3%的相同年龄组数据显示从非土著的人取得了巨大的成功,与技能,知识,和他们的工作的能力和信心。这之间的差距已经成为一个问题,因为将近36.4%的土著人仍然缺乏技能和适当的教育,加上缺乏支持和语言障碍。我们不能否认,良好的教育质量和适当的教学是使土著人在生活中成功的基础。作为从小教育到高等教育的个人,年轻的土著可以获得更多的素质技能和知识,土著人大学毕业后,他们将有更多的机会申请工作,没有任何问题。目前土著人的教育水平并没有很大的提高,正如前面提到的,土著人仍然缺乏政府的支持,这意味着土著人需要等待政府的批准。

澳洲经济学论文代写 土著和非土著

Firstly, the table below is showing a difference between indigenous and non-indigenous. According to this data, we can see that over the fives main areas indigenous people still lack a support from the government while comparing to non-indigenous people who supported themselves not waiting just only from the government. But the two areas we will focus on Education and Business Entrepreneurship.(Education) as you can see data showed a Year 12 attainment about 47.4% age (20-24) young indigenous will be a success completing education, while 83.3% same age groups data showed from non-indigenous people who achieved a huge success, with skills, knowledge, and confidence with their ability to work. The gap between this has become an issue because nearly 36.4% of indigenous people are still lacking skills and proper education, plus lack of support and language barrier.We can’t deny that with a good quality of education and proper teaching is a foundation to make indigenous people succeed in life. As individuals educated from their early childhood to a higher educational, young indigenous can obtain more quality skills and knowledge after indigenous people have graduated from universities, they will have much more opportunities to apply for a job without any issues. The current level of education for indigenous people now is not very improvement much, as mention before indigenous are still lacking a support from the government which means indigenous people need to wait until it approved from the government.

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