
6年前 327次浏览 澳洲堪培拉论文代写:接受教育的权利已关闭评论

教育是每个男人和女人的宪法权利。高水平的社会焦虑和低识字率清楚地表明教育制度需要根本性的变革;这些改进将包括单一的教科书教学媒介、足够的资金和适当执行战略和计划。由于社会和政治压力,政府宣布对教育部门的发展进行特别改革,这也适用于这两个领域。在21世纪初,巴基斯坦政府采取了几项措施,强调教育部门的改革。其中一些改革是国家教育政策(1998-2010);教育部门改革(ESR)(2001-06)、全民教育(EFA)(2015)、十年远景发展计划(2001-2011)、十年远景发展计划(2001-2011)、国家人类发展委员会(NCHD)、减贫战略文件(PRSP)、中期发展框架(MTDF) 2005-10、教育千年发展目标。(《2010年全国教育政策》)尽管政府在不同时期进行了上述改革,但这些改革的积极影响尚未惠及开伯尔机构等许多农村地区。因此,这些地区成为恐怖主义的滋生地,不仅危及巴基斯坦,而且将向世界其他国家输出恐怖主义,从而危及整个世界。


Education is a constitutional right of every male and female. The high level of social anxiety and low literacy rate clearly indicate the need for fundamental changes in education system; such improvements would include a single medium of instruction for text books, sufficient funding and proper implementation of strategies and plans. Due to social and political pressure the government announces special reforms for the development of education sector that also applies in these two areas. At the start of the 21st Century, the Government of Pakistan took several initiatives underlining the education sector reform. Some of these reforms are National Education Policy (1998-2010); Education Sector Reforms (ESR) (2001-06), Education for All (EFA) by 2015, Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011), Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011), National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) 2005-10, and Education Millennium Development Goals.(National education policy 2010) Despite the above mentioned reforms which has been introduced by the government at various times, their positive impact has yet to reach many rural areas like that of Khyber Agency. As a consequence these areas have become breeding grounds for terrorism which will not only endanger Pakistan but will export terrorism to other countries of the world and thus endangering the whole world.

