
6年前 319次浏览 澳洲昆士兰代写论文:教育不能被忽视已关闭评论



The government needs to understand that these children are highly productive and contributing citizens. So their education cannot be ignored. Despite the efforts of the NGOs and the government, it is clear that the national objective “Education for all” has not being achieved yet. Clear examples are the private schools in some urban areas of India, which have voluntarily implemented special education. This doesn’t show anything more than the geographically inequalities in the country… where are the schools that offer special education in rural areas? Additionally, because they are private schools require the payment of fees, making it not accessible for all.There is an important need to make easier the access of disable children to education. Because of the size and diversity of the country, the government should take the responsibility of implementing a central policy and have as priorities improve the educational system and therefore improve the children’s quality life. Networking with NGOs across the country is essential because of their proximity to people and the innovation into educational programmes. The government should provide grants in aid. Despite, there is a factor to take in consideration- Corruption. India is a very corrupted country. The government gives grants and you never know where it goes. So, when the grants are given to the NGOs, these ones should use it for the implementation and development of educational programmes and the provision of the necessarily resources- such as the infrastructural facilities, educational materials and equipments, training teachers to practise inclusion and respect disabilities, others. To measure the right use of it, a third body should control what is done. Moreover, the government together with the NGOs should adopt strategies and improve the accessibility for educating children with disabilities, primarily I believe through the Inclusive Education System. Why not through special schools? I believe special schools are medical interventions which promote somehow isolation, segregation and social exclusion. Thus, by integrating disable children into normal classrooms, a culture of inclusion will be created; a model of desegregation will be built, benefiting all children, achieving equality in education and so contributing in the long-term goal of “Education for all”. But not leaving special schools aside. A bridge should be built between both practices.

