
7年前 303次浏览 澳洲昆士兰理工论文代写:坦桑尼亚的冠军已关闭评论

这很可能同新独立的政府谁是Africanizing坦桑尼亚的冠军其实打开开关斯瓦希里中等水平的恐惧,导致二次地方需求的增加将使政府在一个位置,在那里他们将无法管理这样一个任务(弗格森2006,lwaitama和rugemalira 1990)。正如殖民者把政治因素在坦桑尼亚最大利益对他们的教育,也有独立的政府显然在同样的陷阱了。维持现状是廉价和政治上的直截了当,这可能是更具吸引力的政府比提供健全和彻底的教育(SA 2007)的目标。如果将扩招斯瓦希里成为中学教育的媒介?尽可能是政府重视加上英文的魅力和力量,冷酷的现实是,坦桑尼亚进入中等教育预防的一个最重要的因素是学费(SA 2007)。目前中学招生是一种特权,只有一小部分能起坦桑尼亚.


It is quite possible the same newly independent government who were the champions of Africanizing Tanzania actually turned back on the switch to Swahili at secondary level out of fear that the resulting increase in demand for secondary places would put the government in a position where they would not be able to manage such a task (Ferguson 2006, Lwaitama & Rugemalira 1990). Just as the colonizers had put political considerations ahead of Tanzanians best interests with regards to their education, so too had the independent government apparently fallen in the same trap. Maintaining the status quo is inexpensive and politically straightforward, and this may well have been more appealing to the government than the goal of providing a sound and thorough education (Sa 2007). Would enrolment surge up if Swahili became the medium of education at secondary level? As much as this may have been a concern of the government coupled with the attractiveness and power of English, the cold reality is that the single most important factor preventing Tanzanians entering secondary education is the school fees (Sa 2007). Currently secondary school enrolment is a privilege only a small section of Tanzanians can afford.

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