
7年前 332次浏览 澳洲昆士兰论文代写:电子产品致视力下降已关闭评论



Just like the previous outcome looking at a phone or any display can affect people and mostly likely children to have vision loss resulting optical glasses much earlier in life. For example, I am assuming you have a younger sibling who wears glasses and he plays games on the ipad right in front of his eyes as close as he could be to the screen. But your parents are shouting at him, telling him stop playing it to close to your eyes, as your sibling is ruining his precious eyes or this might be you too.while you would like to have much longer conversations with Siri then real friends and people, it shows how much you love your phone and you have created this person in your life that displays family to you. Force yourself to have a relaxing electronic free day where you appreciate the surroundings near your which will help calm all your stress down from these worldly things.the article in Psychology Today says that, "the use of technology can alter the actual wiring of the brain. More than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media. That number only increases as children age, with 95% of teens 12-17 spending time online". The article, explains this as video games form the brain in a way that leads to a diminishing memory and distraction. Children who use search engine to find information might be good at finding it but not at remembering. Also children who use too much of technology may not use their imagination to deeply analyze the information or material.

