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Application of Six Sigma to Small Companies Management Team Buy-In and Support Easier Compared to large companies, small company management teams are typically closer on a personal basis. Pulling the small company team together for a short meeting can be done in minutes, as opposed to days for a large company. Because smaller companies are more agile, it is typically easier to achieve management team agreement that a standard methodology can help achieve results. Although politics are always present, less may be required in a smaller company to come to agreement and buy-in for implementing Six Sigma Quality.Education and Training Harder Although the costs presented on page 1 are somewhat standard, buying in bulk always produces a discount. This is the main reason I believe education and training is harder (costlier) for smaller companies. Time is money -- time away from the office is lost revenue and production for both small and large companies alike. But the return on investment is a function of the potential savings of the business. For a behemoth like GE or Motorola, standardized processes can yield enormous savings -- a large potential exists prior to implementing Six Sigma. For a smaller companies, the savings potential may not be as great. The return on investment may not be as quick or as significant. You know your business and processes better than anyone else. How great are the potential savings?

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