
6年前 306次浏览 澳洲昆士兰论文代写:文化和学校已关闭评论

文化和学校环境在影响学校的欺凌行为方面起着重要作用。学校环境和学校文化对影响学生参与校园欺凌有很大的影响。如果说学校的校园欺凌事件是由一代又一代的人带来的,那么学校的校园欺凌是非常重要的,这也是学校欺凌事件发生和尚未解决的主要问题。学生很容易受到一群人的影响,尤其是高年级的学生。有个人主义信仰的人倾向于以个人为导向。(来源:Kim, Su-Jeong(2004):研究影响欺负行为的个人和环境因素。论文,LMU Munchen:心理学和教育科学学院。学校周围的环境很重要。如果学校里的环境紧张而紧张,充满了恶霸,学生们往往会失去他们的智力,并没有好好思考。学生倾向于要么在欺负行为之前,要么在这种恶劣环境下继续受苦。


The cultures and the school environment plays an important role in influencing bullying in schools. The schools environment and the cultures in the school bring a huge impact on influencing students involve in school bullying. If the school's cultures in school bullying has been brought from generation to generation, school bullying in this school rather crucial and this is the main concern that school bullying occurs and unsolved yet. Students easily influenced by a group of people especially their seniors from higher form. People, who have individualist beliefs, are inclined to be personal oriented.(source: Kim, Su-Jeong (2004): A Study of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences) .The environment around the school is important. If the environment in the school is tensed and uptight which full of bullies, students tend to be losing their intelligence and failed to think rasionally. Students tend to be either preceding the bullying behaviours or continue suffering under this bad circumstance.

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