
6年前 358次浏览 澳洲昆士兰论文代写:协调能力培养已关闭评论



While playing in playgrounds, children do not realize that they are building skills and coordination while they are busy having fun [3]. Play involving balls, running, popping bubbles, or building things are great methods to build motor skills. In fact, all verbs usually associated with childhood games, such as; climb, walk, kick, slide, skip, balance, pull, swing, crawl, and etc, also happen to be activities that improve physical motor skills [3]. Some activities, climbing structures and riding bicycles, help in building muscles and increasing fitness, which makes the students healthier and more active [3]. This is important for the students in the Special Care Center, as disabled children do not only have mental problems but they also suffer from physical problems and need an opportunity to activate their muscles and increase their motor skills.

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