
6年前 315次浏览 澳洲昆士兰论文代写:在线学习者已关闭评论



Be a beginners of online learners is very challenging decision. Mostly online learners are adult working and own family person. They must add more burden thing in their live. The flexible time is the major fact adult people attract to use online learning to fulfill their dream to grab degree or master scroll, but as online learners you must deduct time for learning, working, social, family and resting yourself. Someone said financial and working condition also the problem faced by beginner online learners. These problems are happen actually before becoming online learners. These people will think and doing some research before choose online learning as their learning study method for further their education. They must settle all financial and working condition matter before enrolls with academic institution.Now we will discuss about the problem after student enroll to academic institution and becoming online learners. The most important problem faced by beginning online learners is their mentality issue. According to Combes,(2006). The major issue in mentality problem of beginning in online learners is lack of mentality. He find out is four (4) issues on mental problems which occurred to online learners namely most isolation and lack of identity, lack of motivation, lack of confidence and anxiety..

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