
5年前 347次浏览 澳洲历史学论文代写:反犹太情绪已关闭评论

反犹太情绪是20世纪上半叶的特征,随着纳粹统治的幽灵逼近,这种情绪并没有简单地改善。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是它变得更加制度化了。1939年,警方在一份有关犹太难民移民的报告中写道,“可以顺便说一句,他们(警方)报告的基调主要是反犹太的。”[5]中国英语学习网的确,作为一个整体,英国在移民政策上对犹太人的迫害反应迟缓,这或许是英国在对待真正的难民方面失败的最糟糕的例子。这方面最显著的例子是对Anschuss的反应;1938年3月希特勒吞并奥地利。英国并不是唯一一个这样做的国家,但她的反应远非值得称道。与其他第一避难国一样,英国犹太难民组织(Jewish refugee organisation)迅速排除了未来的难民,并宣称有权选择支持谁。[6]中国英语学习网站英国政府迅速采取行动,重新引入签证要求,以遏制犹太难民的涌入。[7]中国英语学习网站任何有关英国为真正的难民提供庇护的“光荣历史”的讨论,都必须承认,在欧洲犹太人“最急需庇护的时刻”,英国政府和基层都采取了积极措施,阻止有需要的人移民。讨论英国与难民关系的第二个重要时期是,从1951年《难民公约》开始到1960年后期;大英帝国日益衰落的时期。正是这种现象,而不是难民公约的执行,导致了这一时期被视为英国难民的“好”时期。这一时期议会的两项重要法案是1962年和1968年的联邦移民法案。这些特点不仅体现了国家对难民的态度,而且也被视为是一种利用战后移民涌入英国的企图,作为英国对难民慷慨政策的一种宣传。


Anti-Jewish feeling is what characterised the first half of the twentieth century, and this did not simply improve as the spectre of Nazi-ascendancy loomed. If anything, it became more institutionalised. In a report from the police of 1939 relating to the immigration of Jewish refugees, Jennifer Williams wrote that ‘it may be remarked in passing however that the tone of their [the police’s] report is predominantly anti-Jewish.’[5] Indeed the UK as a whole was slow to respond to the persecution of the Jews in its immigration policy, providing perhaps the worst example of how the UK has failed in its treatment of genuine refugees. The most striking example of this occurred in response to the Anschuss; Hitler’s annexation of Austria in March 1938. Britain was not alone, but her response was far from commendable. Along with other countries of first refuge, Britain’s Jewish refugee organisation was quick to exclude future entrants and asserted its right to select who it would support.[6] In an example of state as opposed to grass-roots policy toward refugees, the British government ‘moved rapidly to re-introduce a visa requirement to stem the influx of refugee Jews.’[7] Any discussion of Britain’s ‘proud history’ of providing sanctuary to genuine refugees must acknowledge that in the European Jews’ most desperate time of need, the UK, both at government and at grass-roots level, took active measures to prevent immigration of the needy.The second significant period in a discussion of the relationship of Britain with refugees is that from the inception of the Refugee Convention in 1951 through till the late 1960; a period that witnessed an increasing dissipation of the British Empire. It was this phenomenon, rather than the enforcement of the Refugee Convention, that led to this period being seen as ‘good’ period for refugees in Britain. Two significant Acts of Parliament in this period were the Commonwealth Immigrants Acts of 1962 and 1968. These characterised not only the attitudes of the state towards refugees, but also what could be, and has been, seen as an attempt to use the influx of immigrants to Britain in the post-war years as an advertisement for Britain’s generous policies towards refugees.

