
5年前 437次浏览 澳洲留学生代写:文法学校已关闭评论

这次选择没有得到理想的结果。到1949年,在显然经过精心挑选的文法学校学生中,约有20%至25%的学生无法接受学术教育,因此提前离校。一些现代中学的考试成绩比一些文法学校好。越来越多的证据表明,许多非常能干的孩子,他们的能力在10岁以后得到了很好的发展,但在11岁以上的测试中却被错误地分配了。本文从。选择的另一个不幸结果是,在所有进入现代中学的11岁儿童中,约70%的人在开始中学教育时背负着“11 +”不及格的耻辱。当时还没有明确的现代中学的概念,而现代中学只是在挑选能力较强的孩子进入文法和技术学校后所剩下的部分。年轻人16岁就离开学校,没有任何认可的资格。第三部分的三方结构,即中等技术学校,未能实现。中等技术学校接受了大约4%的学生,而现代中学和文法学校的这一比例分别为70%和20%。他们非常少。与技术学校相比,具有学术价值的文法学校享有不相称的声望。


The selection did not give a desirable result. By 1949 it began to emerge that about 20-25 percent of the apparently carefully selected grammar school pupils could not cope with an academic education and were leaving schools early. Some modern secondary schools were more successful in terms of the examination results than some grammar schools. Ample evidence was emerging that many very able children whose ability developed strongly after the age of 10 were being misallocated by 11plus tests. This dissertation from.Another unfortunate result of selection was that some 70 percent of all 11-year-old children who went to the secondary modern schools started their secondary education with the stigma of having failed the 11 plus. There was no clear concept of the secondary modern schools which were just what was left after selecting the more able children to the grammar and technical schools. Young people were leaving their schools at 16 without any recognised qualifications.The third part of the tripartite structure, the secondary technical schools, failed to materialise. Secondary technical schools took about 4 per cent of the children compared with 70 percent for the secondary modern and 20 percent for the grammar schools. There were simply very few of them. The grammar schools with their academic values had a disproportional prestige compared with their technical counterparts.

