
5年前 481次浏览 澳洲留学生代写作业:教育经历已关闭评论



Children and adolescents in modern societies are growing up in a world where technology is present everywhere. The extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by adolescents in their daily life for leisure, entertainment and social interaction is making a great impact on their learning needs, requirements and expectations. They need to learn skills and competences, for self-development, participation in society as well as for future jobs. Moreover, they are also increasingly using ICT for any learning purposes, often outside the classroom. This gives rise to new ways of learning, including informal ones which are shaped by new ICT tools, offering exciting learning opportunities that are fundamentally different than earlier tools.This is the reason why education is experiencing a major innovation and the instrument in this development is the computer. Computers and internet facilities are nowadays available in all our state schools: from primary to secondary and also at the tertiary level. It is expected that education will see ICT as a major teaching and learning tool across all educational institutions. With its power of interactivity, multimedia and communication, the computer proves an excellent tool for education. Psychologists believe that the best feedback is that which comes immediately after the event. What can be more immediate than ‘surfing’ the internet and getting the results wished for within seconds?

