
6年前 366次浏览 澳洲留学生商科代写:质量保证体系已关闭评论

可以说,在质量保证体系的交付方面,酒店行业处于一个独特的位置,尤其是当它与服务满意度有关时(Parasuraman 1997, Schiffman and Kanuk 2000)。与大多数其他行业不同,在这些行业中,顾客的接触和参与可能是短暂的,就像在零售商店环境中发生的那样,酒店与顾客的互动可能持续几个小时到几天。此外,正如Kandampully et al (2001, p.28)所言,酒店产品的质量也必须考虑“顾客对顾客的交互”。在简要的文献回顾之后,本文的目的是检验质量保证体系,并评估这些体系对高档酒店市场的服务质量和客户满意度的影响。酒店环境的质量保证和管理的重点是满足客户。因此,本综述集中于现有的与顾客满意度相关的文献,以及与此相关的各种服务质量方法和框架。与客户满意度相关的学术文献属于两大类,一类是客户的心理感知,另一类是实现客户满意度以帮助企业实现目标的实际方法。在酒店行业,这一目标是“努力产生高水平的客户满意度,以积极影响我们的客户的回购和沟通行为。”


It can be argued that in terms of quality assurance systems delivery the hotel sector is in a distinctive position, particularly when it is related to service satisfaction (Parasuraman 1997, Schiffman and Kanuk 2000). Unlike most other industries, where customer contact and engagement during a visit might be fleeting, as happens in retail shop environment, a hotel’s interaction with customers can last from a few hours to several days. Furthermore, as Kandampully et al (2001, p.28) the quality of the hotel product also has to take into account the “customer-to-customer interactions.”Following a brief literature review, the intention of this essay is to examine quality assurance systems and evaluate the effect that these systems have upon service quality and customer satisfaction within the upscale Hotel market.Quality assurance and management within the hotel environment is focused upon satisfying the customer. Therefore, this review concentrates on the existing literature relating to customer satisfaction and the various methods and frameworks of service quality related to this focus.Academic literature relating to customer satisfaction falls within two main categories, these being the psychological perceptions of the customer and the practical ways in which customer satisfaction can be implemented to help a business achieve its objectives. In the hotel sector, this objective is “to try and engender a high level of customer satisfaction in order to positively influence our customers’ repurchasing and communicative behaviour .

