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澳洲留学生作业代写 标准化考试

参加标准化考试所需的准备工作占用了学生发展更好“软技能”的时间。教师们必须遵循一套精确的课程,有时还包括编写脚本,这使得满足学生的教育需求变得更加困难。通常学生无法选修音乐、艺术或外语等科目,因为他们的考试成绩很低或这些科目不包括在考试中(Squire)。当孩子还在成长的时候,这些课程是必不可少的。音乐和艺术课程有助于促进创造性思维和解决问题,这两种技能都可以在成人的日常生活中使用。例如,在印第安纳州,一个ISTEP考试及格的学生在补习课上失去了一门选修课,而一个没通过的学生失去了许多选修课(Harbour)。在选择选修课时,学生往往会选择自己感兴趣的科目,这反过来也会减少他们的压力和焦虑程度。标准化的考试准备使学生压力更大,更焦虑,更缺乏动力。这些影响会导致潜在的辍学。全州范围的评估反映了一个人的表现和整个学校的表现。个人的穷人和少数民族往往得分较低,导致无法毕业(乡绅)。而那些在评估中表现良好的人通常认为这是一场游戏,因为他们不认为评估是对他们学术成就的准确反映(Squire)。因为每个人对考试都有不同的看法,这将影响整个学校的成绩记录。如果学校表现不佳,他们可能会失去资金,并被政府接管(艾布拉姆斯)。测试中显示的数据会让学生们相信成功的机会并不存在,而奖励对进步的影响也很小。例如,Paul Harbour说“数据是一个钟形曲线,在90%以上的准确率上,您处于钟形曲线上的位置是不会改变的”(Harbour)。分数和数据很难用于改善学习环境。通过让学生知道自己的考试成绩,他们会更加意识到自己的缺点,一些人利用这一点来提高成绩,而另一些人则很难接受。生成的数据不能得到足够具体的关注一个学生需要什么进一步他们的学术生涯。

澳洲留学生作业代写 标准化考试

The preparation needed to take a standardized test takes time away from students being able to develop better “soft skills”. Teachers having to follow an exact curriculum, that sometimes includes scripting, makes it harder for a student’s educational needs to be taken care of. Often a student is unable to take subjects like music, art, or a foreign language, because their test scores were to low or the subjects are not included on the test (Squire). These subjects are essential for a young child when they are still growing. Music and art classes help promote creative thinking as well as problem solving, both skills that can be used in everyday life as an adult. For example, in Indiana a student with a pass score on their ISTEP exam lose an elective for remediation classes, while a student who did not pass lost many of their electives (Harbour). When picking an elective, a student tends to pick a subject that they find enjoyment from, which in return reduces their stress and anxiety levels. Standardized testing preparations make students more stressed, anxious, and less motivated. These effects then lead to the potential to drop out of school.Statewide assessments reflect an individual’s performance and an entire school’s performance. Individual’s that are among the poor and minority often score lower leading to the inability to graduate (Squire). While individuals who do well on the assessment usually think of it as a game, because they do not feel the assessment is an accurate representation of their academic achievements (Squire). Because everyone has a different outlook on the test this will affect the entire school’s performance records. If the school’s performance is poor they can lose funding and be taken over by the state (Abrams). The data shown from the tests can lead to students believing the opportunity for success does not exist, with rewards having little impact for improvement. For example, Paul Harbour states “data is a Bell Curve, and to within 90-plus percent accuracy where you are on a bell curve doesn’t change” (Harbour). Scores and data are difficult to use for improving a learning environment. By making a student aware of their test scores, they become more aware of their flaws, some use this to improve while others have a hard time accepting it. The data generated cannot get specific enough to focus on what an individual student needs to further their academic career.

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