
5年前 414次浏览 澳洲留学生作业代写:达尔文的进化论已关闭评论

这篇论文重点介绍了查尔斯·达尔文的一生,以及他的进化论思想的起源,以及他的理论是如何通过他的理论引出了许多其他的理论,这些理论让我们了解了罪犯,以及通过他们的外貌和性格被认为是罪犯的特定原型。1809年2月12日,查尔斯·达尔文出生。他出生在英格兰西部什罗普郡什鲁斯伯里。他八岁时母亲苏珊娜去世了。他的父亲罗伯特是个富有的医生。他去爱丁堡大学学习医学,然后去了剑桥大学。他被教如何填饱肚子,学习神学。他甚至想过成为一名牧师。在研究神学的过程中,他开始收集甲虫,并对昆虫学产生了兴趣。达尔文作为船长的无偿助手加入了比格尔号的船员队伍。这给了他在南美洲研究许多物种的机会。这次旅行总共历时五年。他在佛得角群岛(Cape Verde Islands)研究牡蛎,在如今的萨尔瓦多研究热带雨林,在巴西研究虐待奴隶,在智利爬山。他们还访问了秘鲁、加拉帕戈斯群岛、新西兰和科科斯群岛。约翰·古尔德在动物学会的一次会议上发表了演说。他说,所有的雀都被归为一类,但它们的适应能力不同。这个想法推动了达尔文的自然选择和进化理论。他也受到托马斯·马尔萨斯的影响。这也影响了适者生存的思想,他也提到过,但从未真正写过。


This paper highlights Charles Darwin’s life and the leading to his thought of the Evolutionary theory and how through his theory came multiple others that taught us about criminals and the particular archetype that is considered criminal by their looks as well as their personalities.On February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was born. He was born in the west of England in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. His mother Susannah died when he was eight. His father, Robert, was a wealthy doctor. He went to the University of Edinburg to study medicine and then went to Cambridge. He was taught how to stuff birds and studied theology. He even thought about becoming a clergyman. During his study of theology, he began to collect beetles and become interested in entomology. Darwin joined the crew of the H.M.S. Beagle as an unpaid assistant to the captain. This gave him an opportunity to study many species in South America. This journey lasted a total of five years. He studied oysters at the Cape Verde Islands, the tropical rain forests in modern-day Salvador, saw slave maltreatment in Brazil, and climbed the mountains in Chile. They also visited Peru, the Galapagos Islands, New Zealand, and Cocos Islands.John Gould gave a speech at a Zoological Society meeting. He said that all finches are categorized the same, but have adapted differently. This idea fueled Darwin’s theory of natural selection and evolution. He was also influenced by Thomas Malthus. This influenced the idea of survival of the fittest which he alluded too, but never actually wrote.

