
6年前 381次浏览 澳洲留学作业代写:多机构服务已关闭评论



Even though Multi Agency Services had helped some children they are still faced with a multiple of barriers. The barriers they face where exercising their basic human rights, this included feelings that they could not have the rights to communicate, the rights to be independent, the rights to develop friendships and relationships, and to participate in ordinary leisure and recreational activities and the right to be consulted and informed about their care and support. (pg 78 Making a Difference). Although there is still room for improvement within the multi agency service, Overall families that have been involved with the agency have reported that they felt their quality of life had improved.The models of disability provides a framework for understanding the way in which people with impairments experience disability, This helps society to understand the impact society has on impairments. There are two main models which are the social and medical model.The social model has been designed by disabled people. People with a disability say's that barriers exist within society and the way society is organised. Before the social model had been developed disabled people felt that they had to voice their opinions because society would discriminate and exclude them from society. The aim for the social model is to remove barriers so that a disabled person can have the same opportunities has everyone else. Society has started to change because a person with impairment can use public transport and gain full access to building thus making them no different to an able bodied person.

