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In the view to some the Absolute affluence are really wealthy with an overabundance of resources of money and food, but too few who know all too well it can be a misconception a false belief. Singer states that affluent individuals can afford to have expensive dinners, take oversea holiday trips, buy Stylish clothes, a sophisticated stereo system, a (second) car, a larger house, and afford private schools for our children, and so on (singer). We have to ask ourselves at what cost is it to those who are absolute affluent, I would be naïve to say that not all the affluent have extra excessive amounts of cash because some have it and live elitist lifestyles. I what to shed light on the average upper middle class, and lower middle class families that are struggling and are merely surviving to maintain an overextended lifestyle which they fight to maintain but keep up a false image to compete in societies standards of success. . Just imagine if an affluent individual had a (second) car, a larger house, and sent their children to private schools. How much that would cost two car notes, large house means large mortgage. They won't their children to learn something so they avoid public schools sending them to private. Private school mean tens of thousands of dollars and if you have more than one child its hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also take into consideration that affluent wealthy people have expensive dinners and buy Stylish clothes and nice cars just to show off and brag to their friends but really deep down they maybe struggling by living off credit cards and bust their asses by working 40 to 80 hrs a week. The society we live in is that we have to be show offs and pretend that we are successful really when were not. Just imagine some poor sap being dragged to a diner with his wife so she can brag and lie to her girlfriends its cost him money at the cost of his wife's image. Final taking in account why affluent individual buy a sophisticated stereo system and take oversea holiday trips, it is to bring a momentary moment of happiness to relieve stress and prevent the individual from having psychotic breakdown shooting her /himself and their family. For my question of can poor countries actually be similar in needs because for the measure to be absolute, the line must be the same in different countries, cultures, and technological levels. The amount of wealth required for survival is not the same in all places and time periods. For example, a person living in far northern Scandinavia requires a source of heat during colder months, while a person living on a tropical island does not. Some people may have different requirement like so poor people in desert countries they may have food but need water because it's scarce so how can every group be categories under absolute poverty. I conclude that all the people who do have the entire list of luxurious singer mention above, may have to work even harder to maintain their lifestyles so the definition or view of Absolute Affluent can be different because they might be putting on a show. The saying goes, "the more money you have the more problems"

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