
7年前 254次浏览 澳洲媒体学代写ASSIGNMENT:鲍文已关闭评论

鲍文的自己承认,他以前的书在大学体育运动,生命的游戏,提供了见解但留给读者关于如何解决的问题在书中提出的问题。鲍恩和列文,在回收游戏,显式地设置生产建议基于他们的发现。他们确定9建议改革和实施五个建议。最值得注意的是,他们认为,普遍的运动员的招生改革是必要的。这种努力可能包括限制招募运动员的数量或建立更强的招生标准以及学业成绩的提高监控招募运动员一旦登记。其他值得注意的建议包括减少所需的时间承诺的运动员、体育奖学金不应该给,一些学校应该考虑消除足球。关于建议的实施,作者,首先,承认改变必须是整体,一个渐进的或分散的方法将是不够的。此外,必须协同工作,涉及的许多政党股份在大学体育运动。”“单干”几乎肯定会导致失去记录和道德败坏”(鲍文,p . 330)。鲍恩和莱文认为,领导这个运动应该来自学院和大学校长。


By Bowen's own admission, his previous book on college athletics, The Game of Life, provided insights but left readers with questions about how to address the problems raised in the book. Bowen and Levin, in Reclaiming the Game, explicitly set out to produce recommendations based on their findings. They identify nine recommendations for reform and five recommendations for implementation. Most notably, they suggest that widespread reform in the recruitment of athletes is necessary. This effort might include limiting the number of recruited athletes or establishing stronger admissions standards as well as improvement in the monitoring of the academic performance of recruited athletes once they are enrolled. Other notable suggestions included reducing the time commitment required of athletes, that athletic scholarships should not be given, and that some schools should consider eliminating football. Regarding the implementation of the recommendations, the authors, first and foremost, acknowledge that change must come about holistically and that a gradual or fragmented approach will not suffice. Additionally, the effort must be collaborative, involving the many parties that have a stake in college athletics. "'Going it alone' will almost surely lead to nothing but losing records and demoralization" (Bowen, p. 330). Bowen and Levin suggest that leadership in this movement should come from college and university presidents.

