
7年前 275次浏览 澳洲媒体学代写ASSIGNMENT:赛珍珠已关闭评论



"The young", according to Pearl S. Buck (a Nobel Laureate in literature) "do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation". Youth is that clay which can be melded in either shape one wants. In our belief, this is the sole reason for both exploitation and utilization of youth in the destruction and construction of any nation respectively. It is a fact that, the nation's building is highly dependent on youth. "Youth is that spark which needs no ignition". Youth is that powerful resource, which can either construct or destruct the whole nation. No doubts youth should step forward to take up on the responsibility in developing the nation. The country's leadership should also embrace youths, as well as youth organisations, as they are the leaders of the future and would contribute to the nation-building efforts [2].Awareness among youth is to be raised about the development issues and their potential roles in the country. It is also important to involve young people in the consultative process of designing policies that affect youth. If young people are inexperienced at work, they will also be inexperienced about policies but there are some important lessons that we have learned. For example, youths in their upper teens and 20s have been consulted, if not in decision-making, at least in informing them about legislation that would affect their lives. As such, the government policies and constitutional provisions which safeguard the needy will continue to be implemented.

