
5年前 441次浏览 澳洲墨尔本代写作业:考试的压力已关闭评论

但后来又宣布将实施“迷你”考试,这样老师就可以定期向家长反馈学生的学习情况。所以这是一个好的改变还是一个坏的改变?“迷你”测试仍然是“测试”。它们可能是学期考试的复制品,可能在整个学期都没有。学生的考试压力仍然存在,而且几乎没有减轻。经过六年的学习,学生们仍然需要参加PSLE考试。这也意味着,一旦学生们进入小学三年级,看到所给的时间缩短了2年,他们准备PSLE考试的速度就会加快。教育政策的目的是确保学生不仅掌握学术知识,而且具备在全球化经济中表现良好所需的知识(Seaton, 2002)。在新加坡教育中,课程政策的决定权始终掌握在政府手中。因此,我们可以说新加坡的教育政策是社会、经济和政治需求的反映。(Catherine Chua & Richard, 2007)从TLLM政策中,我们可以看到新加坡政府希望塑造未来的领导者,成为一个自信的人,一个自主学习的人,一个积极的贡献者,一个关心他人的公民。


But later announced that “mini” test would be in place so that teachers could provide regular feedback on pupils’ learning to parents. So that is a good change or a bad change? “Mini” tests are still “TEST”. They could be the replicas of semester test and could end up having few of them throughout the semester. Students’ stress over exam is still there and hardly reduced. After six years of study, students still need to sit for the PSLE test. This also means that the pace of preparing the PSLE test would be increased once students step into Primary 3 seeing that the time given has been shortened by 2 years.The aims of education policy are to ensure that students not only master scholastic knowledge, but that they are equipped with the knowledge needed to perform well in the globalised economy (Seaton, 2002). In Singapore Education, the decision-making in curriculum policy always lie in the hands of the government. Thus, we can say that Singapore educational policies are the mirrors of the social, economic and political needs of a society. (Catherine Chua & Richard, 2007) From the TLLM policy, we can see that Singapore government would like to mould the future leaders in becoming a confident person, a self-directed learner, an active contributor and a concerned citizen.


