
6年前 386次浏览 澳洲墨尔本代写作业:刑事司法领导已关闭评论

授权问题可能是刑事司法领导中最大的问题,因为授权是允许较低级别的员工完成工作的问题。作为领导者,授权有正确和错误的方式。教科书上最常被重复的一句话是,如果你不授权,你就不会授权。当你把一些管理任务委派给下属时,你实际上是在推卸责任。然而,问题经常出现,这个下属没有权力从同事那里获得必要的服从或合作。这是缺乏权威。为了克服这种矛盾,大多数现代的委托原则都认为,你应该只委托下属专业发展的一部分。根据Jack Kuykendall和Peter Unsinger所说的“警察管理者的领导风格”,在刑事司法机构中没有足够的授权。后来的研究表明,它更常被“微观管理”所取代。“基本上,刑事司法部门的管理者似乎更愿意掌控一切。刑事司法中最常用的领导风格是泄密式领导和参与式领导。泄密式销售方式使用了更多的双向沟通,领导者关心的是员工对已经做出的决定的“认同”。当管理部门将员工视为一个整体,显示出平均水平的成熟度、能力和意愿时,常常可以看到参与式销售风格。但是,如果有常规的纪律问题,这种方式就行不通了。总之,没有一种领导风格适合所有的情况。你对人和组织的看法将决定你对风格的选择。领导者必须是灵活的,总是评估以关系为导向或以任务为导向对组织有多重要。许多警察部门会告诉你,管理人员不应该与下班的工人友好相处。或许在刑事司法领域,我们需要的是更多地在工作之余聚在一起,只要能够维持适当的界限。


Criminal justice is a scientific discipline in which those who teach, study, learn, manage or practice follow the general principles of science and scholarship. They also recognize that the discovery, creation, dissemination and accumulation of knowledge in any scientific discipline involves ethical considerations at all levels. The code of ethics of the academy of criminal justice (ACJS) provides for 1) general principles and 2) ethical standards that are the basis for the professional responsibilities and conduct of members of the academy, as well as policies and procedures for the implementation of these principles and standards. Membership in the academy of criminal justice requires each member to abide by the ACJS code of ethics in determining ethical behavior in their daily professional activities. Activities that are purely personal and unrelated to criminal justice as a scientific discipline are not bound by this code of ethics. The general principles contained in this code express the values and ideals of the academy of criminal justice regarding ethical conduct within the professional activities of its individual members. Members should take into account the general principles in formulating ethics courses of action in specific situations which could be taken into account by the acc ethics committee and the executive board in determining whether ethical violations had occurred and whether sanctions should be imposed. Ethical standards set enforceable rules for the conduct of individual members of the academy in specific circumstances. Most ethical standards are broadly written to provide applications in different roles and environments. Ethical standards are not exhaustive - actions that are not included in ethical standards are not necessarily ethical or unethical. Moral standards should always be explained in the context of general principles. Violations of the code of ethics may result in sanctions against individual members of the academy, including the restriction or termination of membership.


