澳洲墨尔本HRM作业代写 员工的忠诚度

4年前 384次浏览 澳洲墨尔本HRM作业代写 员工的忠诚度已关闭评论


澳洲墨尔本HRM作业代写 员工的忠诚度

Maintaining employee loyalty could have a significant impact on internal relationship in an organization and external business performance. The aim of this study is to examine the direct impact of employee satisfaction on employee loyalty and examine the indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty mediated by interpersonal trust. We investigate how employee satisfaction and interpersonal trust impact on employee loyalty. To test the relationship, we conduct the survey to 2000 recipients among U.S. company among ten different industries. We will use Structural Equation Modeling to test result of the statistical analysis and confirm the relationship between employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust and loyalty. As for result, it is estimated that the finding indicates that there is a strong link between employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust, and employee loyalty. We expect to see employee satisfaction has direct positive impact on employee loyalty; and also has an indirect positive relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty, which is mediated by interpersonal trust. These results will lead manager build a trust-based work environment in an organization in order to reduce the cost of high turnover rate in the workplace. Addressing the problem of employee loyalty, the research could potentially help to solve the problem regarding improving customer service, customer loyalty, service quality in the external environment in the future.Nowadays, increasing HR professionals and executives try to improve company culture, carry out new strategies to satisfy employee with current work content in an organization and make people loyalty. Increasing research is trying to examine the relationship between employee loyalty and business performance. Several studies reveal the employee loyalty has a positive impact on customer loyalty. The studies show that the loyal employee have a strong relationship with the business performance – loyal employees will deliver greater customer service, perform higher productivity, create more self-value than a new hire.

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