What does college mean? Is college important to teenagers? Should college be essential for people to find a good job? Is everyone able to go to college? When we talk about college, these questions always come up. As a society, people have their own free ideas to plan their lives. A number of students decide to go to college to get a better and higher education, and to improve their wisdom associated with specific areas such as politics. Most of them think getting college degrees will lead them to find a great job, or even improve their personal qualities. On the other hand, some do not want to go to college. They consider that they do not need a college degree, as they think they can live better without four years of college life or they have other reasons to give up college studies. However, college still matters because going to college can increase one’s salary, make people more knowledgeable and also get students some different experiences.There is a hot debate over the value of college in this era of increasing student debt and high unemployment. Some people argue from the perspective of economy that people can live a better life without college degrees. The four years of college costs them much money or even forces them to burden huge debt. However, if they do not pay such a high debt or cost to the four years college life, they can earn much money within the four years. Since their friends or high school classmates graduated from the college, those who do not receive college education probably have had certain social and economic resources.