
6年前 295次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:法律教师的指导和社会化已关闭评论



In the article the author refers to mentoring and socialization among the Law faculty' and explains that through research findings it could be concluded that 'law schools and their faculties will need to alter how mentoring occurs within their schools, largely in response to the increasing diversity on faculty ranks. The research focuses on the urgent need for organizational mentoring for females who are 'of colour' in the law faculty. In relation to this suggestion, it could be argued that the article is being biased against males and also the issue on racial discrimination can come into play. The authors do have a very clear focus in this article; however the article itself fails to provide references of the researches which have been included in the article. This making it difficult for the reader, as if they wanted to do an in-depth research on the article it would be very difficult as no references have been provided. Although the article is quite thorough, the author does rely heavily on the findings of the various researches which have been carried out in reflection to the discussion of the article.I have concluded that I agree with the author's use of the narrative accounts and research findings in order to support their discussion on mentoring models that promote development and socialization, within the higher education context, however, these sources of information may not be enough to support their discussion.

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