澳洲墨尔本论文代写:Hugh Wolfe的故事

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在铁米尔斯的生活告诉我们关于Hugh Wolfe的故事,在转运铁米尔斯年轻工人。[ 3 ]休米是一个可怜的威尔士后代把生铁为变形的过程称为炼铁。[ 4 ]以及其他劳动者,这是他的主要工作有。但是,休米在雕刻艺术也很有天赋,在业余时间,做一个女人从Korl、从炼铁的拒绝。他的表妹底波拉深爱着他让他每天晚饭,放弃自己的饭。她是个驼背,和其他工人取笑她与休米的关系。休米的工作条件也不太适合居住。工业革命时期的风俗习惯,在工厂和仓库工作的移民将被业主剥削。低收入的工作,可怕的生活条件就促成了他们的痛苦。休米的生活在铁米尔斯并没有什么不同。他辛劳一天又一天,几乎没有时间吃饭。在所有的“黑暗”周围的他的生活,“光”的唯一来源是他korl图,这不同于他的其他创作,粗,从熔炼黑铁。Bartleby的世界是纽约大约1860。然而,与米尔斯钢铁时代的生活完全相反的是,他在曼哈顿繁荣的华尔街上为一名律师工作。Bartleby和休米的工作条件之间的差异是如此的大,,,乍一看,这几乎是可笑的Bartleby如何拒绝做很多工作任务给他,他在甲级工作情况如何。Bartleby是一个代书,复印机,谁先完成自己的任务,以最大的奉献。他的饮食习惯很怪。他只吃零食特别生姜果仁蛋糕,不吃晚餐和午餐。他礼貌的拒绝做一个小任务的阴谋的律师,他逐渐发现Bartleby的工作效率降低的地步,他真的什么也不做,只是坐在律师的办公室。

澳洲墨尔本论文代写:Hugh Wolfe的故事

Life in the Iron Mills tells us the story about Hugh Wolfe, a young labourer in the Iron Mills of Wheeling.[3] Hugh is a poor Welsh descendent who turns pig iron into wrought iron by a process called puddling.[4] Along with several other labourers, that’s his main job there. But, Hugh is also highly gifted in the art of sculpting, and in his spare time, sculpts a woman out of Korl, the refuse from iron smelting. His cousin, Deborah-who loves him dearly-brings him dinner every day, forsaking her own meal. She is a hunchback, and the other workers make fun of her relationship with Hugh. Hugh’s working conditions weren’t exactly too habitable. As was the ‘custom’ during the Industrial revolution, immigrants working in factories and warehouses would be exploited by the owners. Low paying jobs, horrible living conditions just contributed to their misery. Hugh’s life in the Iron mills was no different. He had to toil day in and day out, with barely any time to even eat. In all the ‘darkness’ surrounding his life, the only source of ‘light’ was his Korl figure, which distinguished itself from his other creation, the crude, dark Iron from the smelter.Bartleby’s world is New York City circa 1860. And in utter contrast, though, during around the same time as Life in the Iron Mills, he works for a lawyer on the booming Wall Street of Manhattan. The difference between Bartleby’s and Hugh’s working conditions is so substantial, that, at first look, it’s almost ludicrous how Bartleby refuses to do a lot of work tasked to him, in spite of his grade-A working conditions. Bartleby is a scrivener, a copier, who, at first completes his task with utmost dedication. His eating habits are peculiar. He just eats snacks-specifically Ginger-nut cakes- and skips dinner and lunch altogether. His polite refusal to do a small task intrigues the lawyer, and he gradually discovers that Bartleby’s work rate diminishes to the point where he literally doesn’t do any work, and just sits around the lawyer’s office.

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