
6年前 360次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:家庭教育的缺点已关闭评论



While home schooling has a many merits it also entails certain downsides. To start with, the home schooling model of learning means that the kids are home with their parents most of the times. This may cause the parent - child relations to get strained as they are together most of the time. Also, parents may not find adequate time for teaching the child all that should be taught and the process of learning may develop gaps. The child then grows up with certain beliefs which may not be true or may be partially correct. Such a world view is damaging to the child’s psyche in the future. In many cases, when the parents are too rigid about the material they should use or the course they should follow, they may miss out on incorporating the recent trends in the field and hence limit the knowledge that the child gains from home schooling. Absence of a formal curriculum may also lead to unorganized learning. These formal curricula at schools are developed by professionals who are trained in the field and understand the child needs and psychology on a wider scale. Ignorant parents will deprive their children of the benefit they may receive when trained with such material.

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