
5年前 379次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:家庭教育关系已关闭评论

关于家庭与学校关系的文献,以及人们所积累的生活经验,提醒我们人类总是在生活中呈现的最多样化的情境中学习。因此,家庭在孩子学习过程中所扮演的角色是至关重要的,因为家庭背景,早期决定他们的孩子需要学习什么,他们应该参加哪些机构,有必要知道什么决策,有利于他们将来(里斯,2008)。孩子们大部分时间都在父母的监督下度过,这使得父母作为行为模型的塑造者处于重要地位(Walberg, 1984),也证明了父母对孩子生活成功的影响(Henderson & Mapp, 2002)。因此,父母对学校的支持和参与是学业成功的重要预测因素Gervilla(2001),在你的书《教育与家庭》中,提到并强调家庭是孩子成长的根本支柱。然而,作者强调,如果学校想要提供成功的教育,就必须向那些在教育过程中发挥积极作用的人,例如家庭,提供帮助和支持。当与教育者交流时,许多家庭感到不受欢迎、误解和困惑(Hill & Torres, 2010),使他们与孩子的学校脱节和疏远。教师可能无法与家长建立良好的关系,因为他们没有接受如何建立这种关系的适当培训,不了解家长的期望,并将家长视为教育学生问题的一部分,而不是一种资源(Delgado-Gaitan, 1992;Hill & Torres, 2010)。这些家长与学校之间的消极互动可能是参与的主要障碍(Eccles & Harold, 1996)。因此,随着时间的推移,家长可能不太可能与老师交流,而且越来越多的人认为他们对孩子的教育不感兴趣.


The literature on family-school relationship, as well as the life experience that people accumulate, reminds that the humans are always learning in the most diverse situations that life presents. Therefore, the role of the family in the child learning process is essential, since the family is the context that early decides about what their children need to learn, which institutions they should attend are, and what is necessary to know to make decisions that will benefit them in the future (Reis, 2008). Children spend most of their time under their parents’ supervision, which positions parents in an important place as modelers of behavior (Walberg, 1984), and also evidence the impact of parents on children’s life success (Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Therefore, parental support for and involvement in schooling are important predictors of academic success Gervilla (2001), in your book Education and Family, refers and reinforces that the family is the fundamental pillar for the growth of the child. The author emphasized, yet, that if schools are seeking to provide a successful education it is necessary to provide help and support to those who have an active role in that educational process, such as family. When interacting with educators, many families feel unwelcome, misunderstood, and confused (Hill & Torres, 2010), leaving them disconnected and alienated from their child’s school. Teachers may fail to develop relationships with parents because they do not receive appropriate training on how to establish that, do not understand parent’s expectations, and view parents as part of the problem in educating students, rather than as a resource (Delgado-Gaitan, 1992; Hill & Torres, 2010). The negative interactions that these parents may have with schools can be a major barrier to involvement (Eccles & Harold, 1996). As a result, parents may be less likely to engage with teachers over time and are increasingly perceived as disinterested in their child’s education


