
6年前 367次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:教学目标已关闭评论



As teachers, our goal should be to assist every individual student to their individual level of needs with many different strategies of teaching. Every teacher has their own special set of strategies that they use to instruct their students. Some teachers have been using these strategies for many years and have been very successful. They develop ideas of what works best for them to be successful in the classroom and to educate their students to the best of their ability. Although teachers may develop some teaching strategies and use them for many years, teachers need to be willing to learn new effective ways to teach their students as new generations begin to arise. In my opinion, teaching and learning should be done in a very well-sorted type of manner. A teacher should know what type of teaching strategies they will be using for their classroom and what type of management plan they will have. Teachers should be optimistic and willing to learn and adapt to new theories of teaching and learning instead of focusing on just one. As the years go by teachers should begin to change their ways of teaching to make sure their student have the best abilities to learn. In our generation today technology is one of the most effective ways that students can learn. Instead of using a common strategy like teaching straight out of the textbook, the teacher should incorporate technology in all of their lessons in some way. Teachers also should adapt their lessons and make them more students centered. Today in the classroom teachers need to focus giving the students more hands on activities and more independent or group work. The teacher should not spend the whole lesson lecturing to the students. Every student is develops and learns differently. As a teacher, I will have many different strategies in teaching to reach each student's different levels of learning.

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