
6年前 346次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:意识形态的盗窃已关闭评论



Plagiarism is ideological theft. When a person takes and idea that is not their own and represents it for credit. This is a false representation of oneself by using work or an idea that is not original or stolen from another person. "Furthermore different constituencies have different meaning for the history of plagiarism. We might helpfully regard it as a triple entity or triangle. At one point of the triangle is cheating involving written works, the second inadvertent a failure to master conventions and the third are professionals who another work without permission for their own benefit."[1] This is just taking advantage of other people's creativity without acknowledging them. Plagiarism represents truth without representing the source of the truth so ultimately it becomes its truth from the wrong person. When plagiarism is done without intention, knowledge or as a mistake then it's called miss-use of sources. The great controversy on plagiarism is drawing the thin line between the deliberate and mistake and who takes responsibility between the teacher and the student.Plagiarism has been there as long as man existed and there was art and creativity but the realization of the vice and its consequences could have come with the printing press and academic advancement. In the early years of human existence philosophy, music and poetry were the ideologies and their practice as a sign of civilization and social advancement. The mode of education was informal and there was not based on research and writing and though plagiarism was practiced there is no data on who and when it started. In the definition and practice plagiarism was practiced as long as man lived. As people put their ideas and creativity in writing, distribution, business and credit then plagiarism became a parallel business. The publishing and printing companies and the authors had to protect themselves from theft and so the copy right protection laws. The twentieth century has come with innovation, scientific discoveries and research and plagiarism has risen as a competing factor. There is need to protect individual work and publishers from those who plagiarize to avoid the gains achieved so far and chaos and confusion.


