
5年前 337次浏览 澳洲墨尔本论文代写:资本主义生产方式的根本矛盾已关闭评论



Marx and Engels reveal that the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode production is the contradiction between the new mode of production and the emerging private ownership. Theoretically, Marx and Engels believe that the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode of production will have serious consequences, including the emergence of the economic crisis circle, the polarizing of the proletarians and the bourgeoisies, and the shift to a capitalist-dominated new mode of production. Marx and Engels believe that these institutions are inherently exploitative and oppressive, which serve to normalize and maintain practices of individual appropriation and exploitation. In criticizing capitalism, Marx and Engels claim that there is a fundamental contradiction embodied by the capitalist mode of production, which makes capitalism doomed to fail. Drawing on their examination of the relation between laborers and employers, Marx and Engels point out that the capitalist mode of production is dominated a fundamental contradiction, which paves the way for serious economic crises and overproduction. Through analyzing the economic relations developed by the capitalist economy, Marx and Engels reveal that the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode production is the contradiction between the new mode of production and the emerging private ownership. In this aspect, Marx and Engels demonstrate that “the social product is appropriated by the individual capitalists” who are mainly concerned with advancing their own interests and profits through appropriating the surplus value of laborers (Engels, p. 716). The capitalist mode of production is flawed in the lack of governmental regulations, which results in undisciplined exploitation of laborers by capitalists. Consequently, laborers and capitalists will be involved in a constant struggle, as the former will tend to fight against exploitation and the latter will seek to maintain their domination and exploitation over laborers.


