澳洲墨尔本心理学作业代写 记忆力

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澳洲墨尔本心理学作业代写 记忆力

Studies show memory and attention are definitely impacted by classical music. (Mac, Take Lessons.) Some scientist has argued that memory is affected by music only if the listener enjoys the music. Music can have positive effects on cognition. Unlike what many people had believed, the listener does not have to listen to classical music or Mozart. Any kind of music that the listener finds personally enjoyable will have positive effects. The duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups improved when listening to easy to listen to music or relaxing classics. The Mozart effect which is the belief that listening to classical music helps memory is something that everyone believed but it was only conducted in one study. Classical and ambient music with no lyrics prove to be the best because there are not any distracting lyrics, but pop music tends to decrease spelling errors by 14%. Some songs are known as memory boosting songs. Songs have certain types of rhythms. Rhythms help the brain operate. When listening to the memory-boosting songs, the rhythms make studying easier and lets a person be clearer minded. Some students believe that listening to music while studying will help them retain the information better. Retention of information could depend on how distracting the music is. A study in 2005 found that workers who listen to music have a higher productivity level while working. They believe that music boosts mood and motivation especially among people who are struggling. When a person learns something, recalling the information is much easier when doing so in the same environment where the information was first learned. Researchers have found that singing can help to learn a foreign language. In a study of people learning Hungarian, subjects tended to remember the material better when they sang the phrases. Research has shown that to remember something a person does not actually need to listen to the music that was being listened to while studying. The information can be recalled easier when just replaying the music or song mentally.

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