
5年前 385次浏览 澳洲墨尔本作业代写:任正非已关闭评论

1987年,时年44岁的任正非在中国深圳创办了一家电信设备贸易公司,启动资金2.1万元。截至2014年底,华为在全球170多个国家和地区拥有17万名员工,服务于全球三分之一以上的人口,在国际专利申请领域处于世界领先地位。30多年来,它已经成长为世界上最大的电信公司。此外,它在100多个国家设有业务和代表处,服务于全球10多亿用户。华为的成功归结为两个基本要素:不断变化的技术环境和员工的创造力,所以我们可以意识到员工在华为中扮演着非常重要的角色,人力资源管理对华为来说是非常重要的。根据Fang Lee Cooke (The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012, p.1845)的研究,华为在东道国的人力资源管理面临着几个挑战,以及华为的管理对策。首先,由于工资是基于绩效水平的,缺乏经验的本地新员工的工资可能会更低。其次,与当地的劳动法不同,作为外国公司,它们需要比中国更严格地遵守这些法律。第三,如何在员工发展和成本效益员工支出之间取得平衡,有时是一个难题,因为HCN员工需要培训和发展机会,然后离开更著名的西方跨国公司。第四,多元文化和多样性管理是另一个问题。华为可能是少数几家积极采用多元文化和多元化管理理念的中国公司之一。第五,缺乏当地员工及其雇主的认可,以及对中国企业企业文化的接受程度不高,是留住问题面临的双重挑战。


In 1987, Ren Zhengfei, then 44 years old, founded a telecom equipment-trading firm in Shenzhen, China, with startup capital of CNY 21,000. By the end of 2014, Huawei had 170,000 employees in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than one-third of the world’s population, and leading the world in international patent applications. Over 30 years, it has grown to become the largest telecom company in the world. As well as that, it has operations and representative offices in more than 100 countries and serves over 1 billion users worldwide. Huawei’s success boils down to two fundamental elements: the changing technology environment and the creativity of its people, so we can realize that employees play a very important role in Huawei and the human resources management is very crucial to Huawei.According to Fang Lee Cooke (The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012, p.1845), there are several challenge to HRM in host countries and management responses of Huawei. First, because salaries are based on performance levels, inexperienced local new hires may have lower wages. Second, unlike local employment laws, as foreign companies, they need to comply more strictly with these laws than China. Third, how to strike a balance between employee development and cost-effective employee disbursement is sometimes a dilemma because HCN employees need training and development opportunities and then leave more famous Western multinationals. Fourth, multiculturalism and diversity management is another issue. Huawei may be one of the few Chinese companies that actively adopt the concept of multiculturalism and diversity management. Fifth, the lack of approval from local employees and their employers and the lack of acceptance of the corporate culture of Chinese enterprises are a double challenge to the issue of retention.


