
7年前 341次浏览 澳洲莫纳什论文代写:教师反馈已关闭评论

教师反馈的根据(波士顿2002;Ramaprasad 1983;萨德勒2002;汤斯顿和Gipps(1996)形成性评价的活动帮助学生了解他们的熟练程度,和老师给予学生的反馈有助于缩小学习差距”。Kulick,许多研究人员包括Bangert-Drowns &摩根(1999)写了如何更具体一个教师的反馈对学习者的错误,可以改善他们的工作方式,更多的孩子改善他们的学习。这种类型的反馈可以帮助满足需求能力较低的学生,因为信息是,孩子可以提高他们的工作通过使用正确的方法,而不是觉得他们无法执行任务由于缺乏能力。很明显,形成性评价研究从实践和AFL的老师和学生。老师可以用它来识别学习者是如何进展,可以使用这些信息来调整他们的教学。学生受益于形成性评价,能够按照特定的步骤来实现他们的目标,他们有困难和有特定的反馈来开发他们的知识。


Teacher Feedback ' According to (Boston 2002; Ramaprasad 1983; Sadler 1989; Tunstall and Gipps (1996) 'The formative assessment activity helps students understanding their proficiency, and the feedback the teacher gives the student helps close the learning gap'. Many researchers including Bangert-Drowns, Kulick, & Morgan (1999) have written about how the more specific a teachers' feedback about learners' mistakes and ways in which they could improve their work, the more children improve with their learning. This type of feedback could help cater the needs of the lower ability children because the message is that children can improve their work by using the correct method rather than feel like they are unable to perform a task due to lack of ability.From practice to research it is obvious that Formative Assessment and AFL and both valuable for teacher and student. The teacher can use it to identify how learners are progression and can use this information to adjust their teaching. Students benefit from formative assessment by being able to follow specific steps to meet their objectives, spot what they are having trouble with and have specific feedback to develop their knowledge.

