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到了这一点,是时候谈谈沃尔特爵士在社会阶级和金钱方面发生的思想转变了。到目前为止,我已经谈到了社会阶级对他的重要性,但当他在与他的表兄弟姐妹和队长文特沃斯,谁获得了努力工作的财富,沃尔特爵士,并显示他认识他的音乐会。在小说的开始,沃尔特先生不喜欢文特沃斯上尉因为他得到他的钱,他没有承袭,于是,队长文特沃斯成为了一个新的有钱人,那是一个人不应该根据沃尔特先生如是说当我谈论关于三页的海军他的意见是上层阶级的一部分。在本书的最后一章,读者可以看到心灵的彻底改变,沃尔特爵士向文特沃斯上校,在沃尔特先生去想娶他的女儿安妮,队长文特沃斯将是“一个非常可耻的联盟”,他认为“很想她”,一个糟糕的比赛(pp. 23-216)。这可以看作是沃尔特爵士的一个转折点,因为他离开了他的偏见和对阶级的考虑。我要分析的第二个人物是埃利奥特先生,他认为年轻时的钱比头衔更重要,但当他到达巴斯时,他的态度会改变。当埃利奥特先生被介绍时,读者们对他的了解不多,在最后几章中,当人们通过史米斯夫人提供给安妮的信息了解更多这个人物时。


Arriving at that point, it is time to talk about the change of thought that happens to Sir Walter in relation to social class and money. So far I have been spoken of the importance of social classes for him, but when he meets in a concert with his cousins and Captain Wentworth, who acquired his fortune by working hard, arrives Sir Walter and shows his recognition of him. At the beginning of the novel, Sir Walter dislikes Captain Wentworth because he get his money working and he has not inherited title, and in that way, Captain Wentworth becomes a new rich man, that is a person who does not deserve to be part of upper classes according to Sir Walter as it is mention when I talk about his opinion about Navy in page three. In the last chapter of the book is where readers can see the complete change of mind that Sir Walter has towards Captain Wentworth, where Sir Walter goes of thinking that marrying his daughter Anne, Captain Wentworth would be “a very degrading alliance” to consider him “very far from thinking it a bad match for her” (pp. 23-216). This could be considered as a turning point in Sir Walter because he leaves his prejudices and his consideration of classes.The second character that I am going to analyze is Mr Elliot, who considers money more important than a title in his youth but his attitude change when he arrives to Bath. When Mr Elliot is introduced, readers do not have much information about him and in the last chapters is when people know more about this character by the information that Mrs Smith provides to Anne.

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