
7年前 342次浏览 澳洲南十字星大学论文代写:伊斯兰已关闭评论



In these 22 years, three different methods for handling conflicts were utilized. During communist government, conflicts were ignored. In Mujahedeen government conflicts were managed according to ethnicity, and finally in Taliban's government, conflicts strongly were managed based on Islam and Sharia laws and to somewhat ethnicity. All of these methods showed excessiveness in handling conflicts and therefore none of them could create a conflict handling pattern. The first reason of not succeeding communist government in handling interpersonal conflicts was that the government was adopted by foreigners and afghan people because of their strong nationalistic beliefs did not trust to the government and their managers to resolve their conflicts. The second reason was neglecting afghan religious beliefs. In afghan culture, religion is complicatedly mixed with daily life of people and negligence toward this important issue in handling conflicts would not help in resolving them. In Mujahedeen and Taliban government, ethnicity and Islamic rules and laws were the factors impacting the interpersonal conflict management. Although a great majority of afghan people had strong religious beliefs, but excessiveness and overusing of this factor in managing conflicts by Taliban and some Mujahedeen discouraged individuals from religion as an effective tool in handling their interpersonal conflicts.


