
7年前 326次浏览 澳洲南十字星论文代写:案例研究已关闭评论



The case study is relevant to all the discussion done in above sections. It is really important to perceive the effects of gender discrimination on the performance of women who are playing their role in public administration in different capacities. Although west has done a remarkable job in terms of perishing the negative effects of gender discrimination but still there can be found a significant number of women complaining about the gender discrimination in public administration. Most of them complained that gender discrimination caused their performance to decrease and eventually they felt retarded. They said that throughout their professional career, they have faced a lot of gender discrimination. This shows that women in the west are also facing the curse of gender discrimination and that too in the public administration that is really crucial for any country and society.It is really important that a workplace should be depolarized and appreciates the both men and women. (Schumacher, 2009) It becomes even more important when it comes to public administration as negative effects of gender discrimination do not only affect the women but eventually they impart bad impact on the whole society as well. Public administration is related to public affairs and all the officials related to this sort of work should be focused only on their work. But when the employees will face issues like gender discrimination, it would be a tragic situation for the whole society. Gender discrimination creates a trust deficit among the women involved in public administration and eventually they are just unable to fulfill their duties in an appropriate manner

