
7年前 415次浏览 澳洲南十字星论文代写:高等教育关注已关闭评论



Student attrition has been the concern of higher education notice for over 65 years, especially in the United States. A search of the literature shows that, as far back as 1937. The U.S office of education conducted a study of the factors contributing to college student retention and attrition according to a study conducted by Krause in 2005. And research into issues for first-year students has increased noticeably over the last decade in the U.S., and Australia. This can be an indicative of the growth that has taken place since the beginning of 1990s, especially falsification and difference of higher education. This has provided the developed interest in how first-year students needed to be sponsored and retained. This study also was conducted by Meer in 2009. As for a research study conducted by Nelson, Duncan, and Clarke in 2009 was the behavior connection of student registration in the five firs ??? year that categorized as at risk using the requirement of not delivering their first assignment. According to the three papers, I would like to summarize and raise discussion on points considering the challenging of interaction during the first year, identification and support of first year university student at risk of attrition and serious thought about dropping out in first year, trends, patterns and implications for higher education.

