澳洲纽卡斯尔大学论文代写:The Era Of Ku Klux Klan

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澳洲纽卡斯尔大学论文代写:The Era Of Ku Klux Klan

第一次世界大战结束后,美国在经历了一个转变——社会,经济和政治。”战后,意味着“现代主义”的现代主义的许多美国人是在居民的日常生活有组织的宗教和家庭的影响下降,特别是在年轻的一代。”[ 1 ]的社会,有着在种族平等的推动,和所有宗教的识别。自由将成为社会所接受的,传统的道德规范成为了历史,1920的认为“世界布尔什维克主义浪潮的高涨,或知觉专制的罗马天主教堂。许多加入党,这些问题和他们各自的社区的紧迫的问题将得到解决的希望。”[ 2 ]第一KKK最初开始于1865同一个使命;击退联邦军队。它是在南方各州建立的,具有维护宪法和维护国家的使命,在白人新教统治下。他们大部分的活动都是在完全保密的情况下非暴力的。燃烧的十字符号直到1915在党的第二时代开始。第二个时代的愿望是停止移民,因为担心它会毁了这个国家。这是1920年代这一时期党间见证党相信宪法和白人主导的竞争,和民权运动寻求整合和少数人的统治。


澳洲纽卡斯尔大学论文代写:The Era Of Ku Klux Klan

Following the end of WWI, America in general experienced a time of change-- socially, economically and politically. "The post-war era meant 'modernism.' 'Modernism' to many Americans was the decline of the influence of organized religion and the family in the everyday lives of the population, particularly among the younger generation." [1] Socially, there was a push towards equality amongst the races, and recognition of all religions. Free will became socially acceptable and traditional moral codes became a thing of the past and the 1920's saw "the rising tide of world Bolshevism, or the perceived autocracy of the Roman Catholic Church. Many joined the Klan in the hopes that these issues and the pressing problems of their respective communities would be addressed." [2] The first KKK was originally started in 1865 with one mission; to repel federal troops. It was created in the southern states with the mission of upholding the constitution and keeping the nation together under white protestant rule. Most of their activity was non-violent under complete secrecy. The symbol of the cross-burning was not started until 1915 in the Klan's second era. The desires of the second era were to stop immigration for fear that it would ruin the nation. This was the Klan of the 1920's. This era witnessed the rivalry between the Klan believing in the Constitution and white majority rule, and the Civil Rights Movement which sought integration and minority rule.

Every era of the KKK had different ways of making their views known, and getting their agenda accomplished. Violence is usually attributed to the Klan as their means of getting their way. However, in the 1920's, the Klan was not overly violent. Aside from the occasional violent outburst, the Klan of this era believed in stopping immigration and silencing the minorities through legislation and education. "Through legislation it is possible to correct many evil conditions and safeguard the fundamentals of our American civilization. Education of young and old alike is the most powerful instrument for good available."


