
7年前 373次浏览 澳洲纽卡斯尔论文代写:学习计划已关闭评论

作者在他的研究同伴评价在他们的学习计划由不同机构采用了一种很好的观点,他指出,这种方法将有很大比例的时间本来可以利用成员在讨论实质性问题的谈论自己,可能是这种方法的优点是什么样经验会给小组成员。还有其他更好的方法,可用于行动学习评价即学习反思日志主要通过个性化的行动计划。Tim Friesner和Mike Hart也支持学习日志作为一种有效的行动学习的评价方法。根据他们的学习日志被视为坚定的行动学习的评估方法,也可以作为一种研究方法。他们指出,日志是一个越来越受欢迎的工具,经常使用的结合工作场所,工作为基础的学习或课程的想法,行动学习是一个有启发性的方法,以达到最佳的学习效果的基础。他们是理想的鼓励参与者反映学习,其结构是不同于传统的评估,如散文和报告。然而,他们也是反射数据的来源,例如,如果有10个学习日志,其中包含学习记录超过10周的工作与10个不同的公司,其中包括你有10个评估,但也有非常丰富的反射数据的10个案例研究,其中包含学习记录。从这个角度看,有可能考虑学习日志作为一种评估,但也作为一种研究方法。


The author has made a very good point in his research regarding peer group assessment adopted by different institutions in their programme of study, he states that this method will take a significant proportion of time which could otherwise be utilised by members in discussing more substantial issues about themselves and that what could be the advantages of this method and what kind of experience will it bring to the group members There are other preferred methods that can be used for Action Learning assessment i.e. learning and reflective logs leading through to personalise Action Planning. Tim Friesner and Mike Hart also support learning logs as a useful method of assessment of action learning. According to them learning logs are viewed firmly as an assessment method of action learning and can also be used as a research method. They state that logs are an increasingly popular tool that are frequently used combine with work placements, work-based learning or courses that are underpinned by an idea that action learning is an instructive approach for achieving best learning results. They are ideal for encouraging participants to reflect on learning, and its structure is different from traditional assessments such as essays and reports. However they are also a source of reflective data, for instance, if one has 10 learning logs from 10 students which contains learning record over a period of 10 weeks of work with 10 different companies, not only do you have 10 assessments, but also 10 case studies with very rich reflective data. From this perspective there is the potential to consider learning logs as not only an assessment but also as a research method.

