
6年前 374次浏览 澳洲珀斯论文代写:单身学校已关闭评论



Another view as to why single sex schools are good for education as opposed to co-ed schools is from the point of teachers. Given that the behavior and needs of both boys and girls are different, teachers’ performance is also affected in the process of delivery in class. This sis because, there is no uniformity in terms of approaching different issues in the same class. As such, a teacher must treat a boy different as well as a girl in a unique way too. This affects teachers’ precision. However, embracing singe sex schools, teachers will be able to link their instructions methodology to the behavior of their students and thus good for education (The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools, n.p). Meanwhile, an environment plays a great role in student performance. A favorable learning environment contributes to high performance of students as opposed to an unfavorable environment. A relaxed environment is good for a learning set up as opposed to a chaotic environment. This works for both boys and girls. However, one thing that need to be clear is that in co-ed schools, boys and girls try as much as possible to impress one another. In so doing they feel fixed in that they are supposed to act in a manner that attracts one another. In the process, a girl or a boy may fear asking a question because she/he may think it will not impress their opposite sex counterparts. This affects the students in expressing themselves openly and if continues for a long time, it becomes a habit that cannot and will never be erased. Actually it becomes part of their life and accompanies them in the rest of their live. In comparison to single sex schools, students have nobody to impress and as such, they fear less in asking questions, that is an important element in learning. Moreover, the ability to engage with others without feeling intimidated by the gender of the opposite sex spark debates and conversation that enhances education in a positive manner


