澳洲珀斯作业代写 圣经

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澳洲珀斯作业代写 圣经

Though Donne and Shakespeare were writing in the during the Elizabethan period, both poets use the sonnet form to portray different ideologies of death. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 63 commends the beauty in death whilst in the poem Divine Meditations, Donne subverts the standardized ideas of love’s eternality with the sonnet form through his hedonistic approach, mocking God as he “dare dispute with thee”. Donne belittles God and religion through the mockery of the verb to “dare”, suggesting that he himself does not fear God and therefore does not fear death. The semantic field of religion is frequent as Donne alludes to the Garden of Eden, listing the greatest of sins which had ultimately caused the downfall of Eve and thus humanity’s immortality. The conditional use of “if” suggests a condescending tone where Donne is not convinced that living a sinful life prevents eternal peace. However, after the first octave, the volta “but” suggests a change in perspective where Donne seeks the forgiveness and “mercy” of a “heavenly lethean flood”. This biblical reference of ‘Noah’s Ark’ suggests that Donne is seeking redemption as his “tears” are representative of his remorse and need for his sins to be cleared. Nevertheless, both of Donne’s perspectives are selfish as Donne’s speaker requests to live a sinful lifestyle but not face the consequences of doing so.

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