澳洲社会学代写 美国非法移民

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澳洲社会学代写 美国非法移民

Over the past few years undocumented immigrants have become more common in the United States than ever before. There are nearly 12 million undocumented settlers which means that a large portion of this population is made up of young children and young adults. An important factor to successful development starts with academic achievement which is a insistent issue in the Latino community. It is imminent that schools and communities work together in order to facilitate the best opportunities when it comes to their students. It all starts with overcoming the educational barrier by encouraging the completion of school. By completing a high school education, it can open the doors for many more opportunities such as moving on to higher learning and establishing a place within the work place. Success within the school system can arise from many aspects starting with the family. By establishing a strong support system, it can motivate a child to continue within school. The school also plays a role in what the child will accomplish. The school must be supportive in providing accommodations for low-income families and working with kids in facilitating active learning. Another component to successful schooling is the amount of responsibility the child is taking on. The last factor is how the home and school work together in order to foster success among students. By having a better understanding of all of these factors it can give a better understanding to the individual and tailor the process of education on a case by case basis. This in turn will decrease the achievement gap and provide a positive outlook of success for future endeavors.

