
7年前 338次浏览 澳洲社会学论文代写:教育是社会的基础已关闭评论



Education is a fundamental basis for a society consequently it must be the priority for countries and even more important to these countries in development. There are studies that demonstrate the relationship between quality education and economic growth of a country. That is why it is of the utmost importance to reconstruct the model of educational system of Ecuador. Currently this country has a very inefficient productive matrix and generate very low income. As a result Ecuador is a country underdevelopment and lagging technologically. In order to solve it the priority of Ecuador is to improve their industry by improving its educational system. A correct model of educational system according to socioeconomics condition, like South Korea model, led the country from poverty to be one of the most important economies of the world. Ecuador needs to educative system model strict and quality focused to the current needs of the industry to eventually improving it by technology and innovation and as a result develop the country and changing the productive matrix of Ecuador.Educative model, productive matrix, South Korean success, innovation, socioeconomic condition.Which is the best model of an educational system to Ecuador considering the socioeconomic context of the country? Since its foundation Ecuador has been considered an exporter of raw material to the international market. The constant and unexpected changes on international prize of raw materials, as well as also the increasing difference front to the price of products of higher value added and high technology have placed to the Ecuadorian economy in an unequal exchange under changes in the international market.

