
6年前 357次浏览 澳洲社会学论文代写:马六甲已关闭评论

谭恩美没有被吓倒,在克莱门提的下次访问马六甲时,他进一步追问了这个问题。这一次,他试图提出一个更有力的理由,为此目的,“一个惊人的巧合是漂亮的外表。的。. .不少于十艘船停泊在港内。在马六甲法院的会议上,他利用这个机会,提请议员们注意港内的许多船只,并重新陈述了他现在被命名为“克莱门蒂计划”的港口,这是他现在施洗的。然而,Clementi纹丝不动。1934年,在他的第三次和最后一次立法会会议上,克莱蒙提最终粉碎了谭的梦想,他说,为马六甲的复兴而工作的“顽固分子”正在抵抗不可阻挡的衰落大潮。他宣称,马六甲失去了过境贸易,而马兰加人最好将目光转向内陆。因此,由于他的计划是不切实际的,因此,谭恩美在Malaccan主题最接近他的心的痛苦中失败了。马六甲无可挽回地超过了她的首相。从历史上看,她的地盘缩小了,从地理位置上看,这条古色古香的马六甲河带着“一种棕色的液体三分之三的水,一个部分的地球”,无法与槟城、瑞典的滕纳姆港或新加坡竞争。


Tan remained undeterred and during Clementi's next visit to Malacca, he further pressed the issue. This time round, he attempted to put forward a stronger case and to this end, "by a remarkable coincidence is the fine appearance. .. of. .. no fewer than ten ships riding at anchor" in the harbour. In the Council meeting in the Malacca Court House, he took the opportunity to draw the members' attention to the many ships in the harbour and restated the case for the harbour at Pulau Jawa which he now christened, rather flatteringly, "the Clementi Scheme". Clementi, however, remained unmoved. In 1934, in the third and last Legislative Council Meeting conducted in Malacca by him, Clementi finally dashed Tan's dream by stating that the "die-hard element" working for the revival of Malacca as an entrepot was fighting the irresistible tide of decline. " Malacca, he declared, had lost its transit trade and Malaccans had better turned their eyes inland. Thus, Tan failed miserably in the Malaccan subject closest to his heart because his scheme was an unrealistic one. Malacca had irretrievably passed her prime. Historically, her domain had shrunk and geographically, the quaint, little Malacca River with "a brown liquid three parts water and one part earth" could not hope to compete with Penang, Port Swettenham or Singapore.

