
5年前 420次浏览 澳洲社会学论文代写:社会视角已关闭评论

与此同时,有必要在教育技术中更多地注意社会正义,在社会学领域中也存在着同样值得特别注意的教育危机。虽然难民研究有着重要的历史,由于长期难民状况的增加是一种较新的现象(Zeus, 2011),在线学习也是最近的教育进步,但在难民营中融合了电子学习的研究却很少。到目前为止,还没有发表关于难民在教育技术或在线学习学科范围内长期在线学习的研究报告。少数已发表的研究发表在难民情况社会学观点的期刊上。社会学视角的其他信息来源包括硕士论文(Hakami, 2016)和委托报告(Dahya, 2016)。虽然在教育技术领域还没有发表过相关的研究,但在社会学领域也鲜有发表。联合国《世界人权宣言》第26条规定,教育是一项基本人权。这对难民也同样适用。Hakami(2016)在撰写的研究中非常明确地陈述了这些权利及其后果。


At the same time that there is a need for more attention to be paid to social justice within Educational Technology, there is a parallel educational crisis within the field of Sociology that deserves special attention. While refugee studies has a significant history, because of the increase of protracted refugee situations is a newer phenomenon (Zeus, 2011) and online learning is also a recent educational advancement, the confluence of e-learning in refugee encampments has seen few research studies. As of this date, there are no published studies that look at online learning for refugees in protracted situations within the discipline of Educational Technology or Online Learning. The few published studies have been in journals within the discipline of the sociological perspective of refugee situations. Other sources of information from a sociological perspective include Master’s theses (Hakami, 2016) and commissioned reports (Dahya, 2016). While there have been no published studies within Educational Technology, there have been few within Sociology as well.Article 26 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that education is a basic human right. This also holds equally true for refugees. Hakami (2016) states these rights and their consequences, in regards to the authored study, very clearly.

