
5年前 364次浏览 澳洲社会学作业代写:经验和推理已关闭评论

为了定义教育研究,我们必须首先看看什么是研究。研究是经验和推理的结合,必须被认为是发现真理的最成功的方法,特别是就自然科学而言(Borg, 1963,如Cohan, Manion, & Morrison, 2000)。因此,教育研究可以被定义为“有目的的、系统的探究,以解决问题、阐明情况或增加我们的知识”(Mutch, 2005,第14页)。“通过发现非琐碎的事实和见解”(Howard & Sharp, 1983年,引用于Bell, 2005年,第2页)”与教育政策和实践的改进,致力于更广泛传播的研究成果发表在高地位之外,国际期刊的安德森和阿瑟罗,(1998)表明,有“十教育研究的特点,可以分为三大类;他们接着解释说,研究的目的是为了解决问题和发展知识,这个过程包括“收集或生成具有准确观察、客观解释和验证的数据”。它还包括精心设计的程序和严格的分析”(安德森和阿瑟罗,1998 pp。7),最后研究者的角色是要有耐心和仔细研究的每一步的过程,和各自的研究领域的专家,这要求他们使用研究数据来开发解决方案,增加知识。


In order to define educational research we must first look at what research is. Research is a combination of both experience and reasoning and must be regarded as the most successful approach to the discovery of truth, particularly as far as the natural sciences are concerned (Borg, 1963, as cited in Cohan, Manion, & Morrison, 2000). Therefore Educational Research can be defined as a `purposeful and systematic enquiry to solve a problem, illuminate a situation or add to our knowledge’ (Mutch, 2005, pp. 14) `by the discovery of non-trivial facts and insights’ (Howard & Sharp, 1983, as cited in Bell, 2005, pp. 2) `in relation to the improvement of education policy and practices, with a commitment to broader dissemination of research findings beyond publication in high status, international, refereed journals’ Anderson and Arsenault, (1998) suggest that there are “ten characteristics of educational research that can be grouped into three main categories; the purpose of research, the procedures of research and the role of researcher” (p. 7). They go on to explain that the purpose of research is to solve the problems and develop knowledge, the procedure involves “collecting or generating data with accurate observation, objective interpretation, and verification. It also involves carefully designed procedures and rigorous analysis” (Anderson and Arsenault, 1998 pp. 7), and finally the role of researchers is to be patient and careful in every step of the researcher’s procedures, and be experts in their area of study, which requires them to use research data to develop solutions and increase knowledge.

